We've been working hard at the North China
to develop new features to make it
even easier to order your takeaway food online.
Please find below the finer points
of the new 'Where's My Food?' Order status feature.

How to check the status of your food order
1. Once you have submitted your food order, you should see the 'Thank you, your order has been placed' confirmation screen.

2. Click on 'Where's my Food?'
3. A pop-up window should appear with a status bar, where you can see at a glance each stage of your order.

Other ways of accessing your food status
Once logged in select 'Food Status' from your Account drop down.

Other ways of accessing your food status. Cont..
You can also find the 'Where's My Food?' status feature from your shopping basket, just below the 'View my last 4 Orders' feature